Monday, March 14, 2005

Dedicated to you

For all you fellow bloggers. Quite out of place today and actually too late down the line, I fumble upon the elementary question, which we must have encountered as beginner bloggers. And that is the : why do I blog? online diary open to public - what a strange concept??!! what is there to write? whom am I writing to? and everything else that is allowed to fall under the existential category. Funny that this should disturb me now, but I guess right in the beginning the out flow was so important, that the direction really dint matter and the consequences were actually a dot! But anyways, I now brush against the dilemma as I move to serious (?!) blogging : so, there is an audience eh?! oh god, am I entertaining you enough??! Well actually I still couldnt care less, 'cause the less fortunate shall just surf on and I shall still swim in my own little pool!
But on a very serious note, the whole question arose when I came across these couple of blogs and realized politics always stands a measure of freedom, no matter how private the domain may claim to be! No matter how clearly one understands private as personal, the next step to personalizing always remains its proclamation and that by default in a public realm. Now what choice do these people have of a public realm than the thier end-all referential system - politics. Its amazing how this blog-activity is actually becoming a forum for thier democracy, a voice for now, but a political agenda in the making. I am speaking of these new sect of bloggers who owe their clubbing to their geographical location. And hence also their social markings. The bloggers of the MIDDLE EAST! In a region that is so conservative in demands and controlled in voicing, this comes as an obvious introspect. And no matter that each 'blogger' speakes only of his and in his private domain, there always remains a strong underlay of criticism, acceptance, disregard, mockery, basic questioning of the system. Which otherwise in that region, cannot even be voiced through media as democratic(supposedly) as a newspaper.
It remains a mystery as to how the organized servers haven't 'blocked' this site off to prevent all traces of any kind of campaigning! Most of the drawing of a culture lies in the in-betweens of words, sentences and blogs. And also a large part in the cross-referencing of one against his fellow others. But all together this seems to be one of the first real democratic opinions of the gulf, and if refrained from extreme political bashing (check FREE ALI campaign), this can actually begin a new socio-cultural layering. Though most of this may only be relevant and obvious to someone who belongs in that set-up, yet for all others, half the spice of a movement is in being distanced from it. In being the outisder. And for all of them, here is the warning that the dark black 'centre' of the world is out for some serious questioning! wow! I am excited, dedicated to you my fellow warriors!